Friday, January 14, 2011

What is "DGW" Day?

Dieters Gone Wild...Let the eating begin!!!!  This is the one day in the week where you eat all the things you were craving for during the week. it; Double cheeseburger...devour it; Pizza...inhale it; Box of chocolates...pop em until you POP.  The idea is that once you stuff yourself, you won't want to think about any junk food for the rest of the week. 


Make sure to follow these rules:
  1. Make sure your first meal of the day is not a binge meal and drink a small amount of grapefruit juice before your first DGW meal.
  2. Make sure all the DGW food passes through you quickly by drinking coffee or tea with caffeine.  I know this works because I can't even finish a cup of coffee in the morning without running to the toilet :-)
  3. Do some funny exercise moves right before you eat and about 90 minutes after. The suggested exercise moves are air squats or wall presses for about 1 minute.
  4. Get your PAGG Stack.  In The 4-Hour Body, Tim suggests that these 4 supplements are the 4 horsemen of sustained fat loss which have a huge impact when put together:
    Policosanol: 20-25mg
    Alpha-lipoic acid: 100-300mg
    Green tea flavanols: 325mg (decaffeinated)
    Garlic extract

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