Sunday, January 2, 2011

DAY 2: How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise

No carbs...doesn't this look yummy. Yeah right. But it was tasty!
Collard greens w/ smoked turkey wings, baked chicken tenderloins and mashed navy beans :-)

I have been drinking my water...but i really want to drink some diet soda.  I have also been drinking alot of unsweetened tea with lemon.

So a couple of my girlfriends have mentioned doing Bikram Yoga again.  I think I'm going to give it a Go since I really liked the hot yoga class and did wonders for my weight loss in the past.  A couple years ago I wrote about my first experience with Bikram yoga...i dug it up and decided to share with you.  Enjoy!

Posted 1/8/2008
A Good Friend of mine kept talking about this yoga class she had been taking and how I needed to go.  she had been talking about it for over a month, but I already had gym membership at Golds and didn't see why i should go someplace else when they had Yoga at Golds.  Plus i never really got into the Yoga thing.  I was trying to loose weight so always went for the Cardio type of stuff.  Well November 9th my girlfriend called me and asked again, "You should go to BikramYoga with me 2morrow morning".  I was like "You are right on time with this, I am willing to give it a shot". 

So I met her at 8:00 in the morning on Saturday.  I had no idea what I was in for, all I was told was to bring a yoga mat, towel, 2 bottles of frozen water, dress light(half naked) and be prepared to sweat!!!!  So I walk in with my friend with an open mind.  There is a  small lobby and everyone takes their shoes off when they walk in and place them into cubbies.  The aroma of Lavender is in the air.  I see alot of slim folks walking around with really skimpy outfits on.  Anywhoooo, I take my socks and shoes off, take of my sweatshirt and head to the Yoga Room. 

I walk in and this blanket of heat hits me in the face.  The room is about 110 degrees and my skin already feels moist.  I lay my mat down in the back row, sit my frozen waters beside my mat and take a seat on the floor.  Me and my friend are whispering back in forth like 2 school girls.  I notice alot of people are laying flat on there back, just basically chillen.  My friend says we are supposed to do that so that are body can warm up and get use to the air in the room.  It also helps relax you before the class starts. So the instructor walks in.  He is a very lean man with some really small tight speedo booty shorts on... Thats enough about him.  

On The very first exercise we did, I almost busted out laughing.  We had to breath in deep with are head pushed forward (people sounded like vacuum cleaners, I have never heard such deep breathing in my life) and then breath out pushing are head far back  We did this like 10 times.  15 minutes into the class I am bending down touching my toes and a water fall of sweat comes pouring down my face, blinding my site.  I peer through my lashes and noticed my legs are drenched, as if I just stepped out of the bathtub.  When I stand up straight, all the blood comes rushing back to my head and my heart is pounding as if I just ran a 100 Meter dash.  Several times I just had to stand there and breath to keep myself together.  The instructor tells us, whatever you do, "DONT LEAVE THE ROOM" just sit down and breath, but "DONT LEAVE THE ROOM".  So we are approaching about 45 mins into the class and I'm thinking "thank goodness, I am just about 'WELL DONE', and ready to be taken out of the oven".  I stretch a lil harder and hold the poses a lil longer because I know we are almost done.  Then the instructor says "Ok, that concludes the warm-up, now lets start Yoga".  My thoughts go blank, then I regain consciousness "WHAT THE F%$@, THE WARMUP".  I look over to my Girl and ask "How long is this class", she giggles and says "90 minutes".

30 minutes later I am laying flat on my back, just chillen in "Savasana" with an ice cold wet towel on my face that has been soaked in Lavender.  I am soaking wet from head to toe and feel like I just ran 10 miles in 90 degree weather.  The funny thing is, I feel GREAT!!!!!  I always love that feeling you get after an intense workout, I just usually really dislike or don't enjoy the exercises you have to do to get to that point.  But I actually liked doing those Yoga poses and I was eager to try it again to make sure it wasn't a fluke.  I signed up for the Intro Month and went back the very next Day.  After that I was hooked and going 3+ times a week.  Thats 600+ calories burned every class

After the first 4 weeks of counting calories, going to Bikram(HOT) Yoga, and writing everything down I lost 16 pounds.  The only thing I could say was "WOW, IT REALLY WORKS".  12 pounds in 4 weeks and an extra 4 pounds if you exercise.

It's January 7th and I have lost 25+ pounds.  I did not loose the 16 pounds in the 2nd 4weeks because I couldn't afford the Bikram Yoga during the Holiday Months.   That class is expensive ($150 for a unlimited month), and if you sign up you want to be able to go to class as much as possible to get your dollars worth.  So I opted out for the month  of December with all the holiday parties, time off from work, shopping for gifts ect...  I still continued to count my calories and even started taking Kukuwa Dance workout at golds gym, since I did have a membership :-)

Today(Jan 7th) I will be going back to Bikram Yoga, I miss it so much.  Every time I took that class I left feeling like I could breath so much better, the best restful sleep, tons of energy the next day, skin looking better than ever.  I just felt GOOD.  I will let you know if this euphoric feeling returns after the class. AFTER BIKRAM YOGA ON JAN 7thWow, it was sooooo Great!!!!  I was running late and rushed to get there and when I arrived, the room was packed.  I have never seen so many people in the class.  we usually only have 2 rows of people and today we had to squeeze in a third row.  The class was great and I was sooo surprised at my performance.  I have lost a little more weight since the last class I took about 3 weeks ago.  I could really tell the difference...I was hitting poses I never hit before and didn't need to take as many breaks as I used to.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Right on! I saw your link to this blog after I posted on sparkpeople. :) Just day soon you'll realize the cravings are just habits that don't want to let go. It'll get easier!
