Monday, January 3, 2011

DAY 3: How to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise

First day going to work while on the no carb diet.  I ate what I packed up last night and drank water all day.
When I got home I went to see the movie Tron.  Halfway through the movie I ended up taking off my 3D glasses because I felt a slight headache coming on.  And guess what, it didn't make a huge difference because the 3D parts in the movie were "NOT" all that.  So save your money and go to the regular viewing of the movie.

After the movie I had dinner at Fridays.  No carbs as you can see from the photo below.  The sauce in the middle was the Jack Daniels sauce, which I know is full of sugar.  I will admit I did dip my steak a couple of times in the sauce but it really was only a "couple" of times :-)  I finished the whole plate...Oh I actually shared one of my grilled shrimps and some of my steak with a friend, so I think I did pretty well today. 

I haven't done any exercise yet, but I plan on going to Bikram yoga on sunday.

And That's All Folks!!

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