Saturday, February 5, 2011

DAY 36...10 Pounds Lighter and Counting My Calories

Woo Hoo!!!! I finally hit 10 pounds down. I've been keeping track of my calories with the My Fitness application I downloaded on my android phone.  It's great because I can just quickly input what I am eating.  Below I added my diet journal for Friday.

So I am still slacking off on the exercise department.  I said I would work out twice a week and the week is basically over and I haven't worked out once.  Although I did break a light sweat cleaning my house :-) I don't know about you but sometimes a good house cleaning is a great workout.  I still haven't made it too the gym, which is going on over a year since I have used my membership.  I know, its pretty sad huh?  I guess there is no excuse except that I am possibly LAZY!!!

I have been drinking a lot more water, which I am not a big fan of.  I have found that if I drink it with a lot of ice then I can chug down a couple of glasses at a time.  I drink a lot of crystal light and sugar free type of liquids.  I am working toward just drinking water and only having other drinks on special occasions.

I am working on taking photos.  I don't know if I should take the all black leotard type of photo or take a photo in a pair of jeans that were my favorite pair but I can no longer button.  What do you leotard or jeans?

What should I wear for my before photo?

Well That's All Folks!

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