Monday, April 30, 2012

10 Day Juice Fast: Day 10!!!

Well Saturday was Day 10 of my juice Fast. I lost a total of 13 pounds and Feel AMAZING!!!! I had improved deep sleep and felt extremely well rested each morning in comparison to previously not being able to stay asleep at night and feeling tired and sluggish the next morning.

The last day of the fast I discovered that the Robecks smoothie shop around the corner from my house made fresh juice. I ordered the "ABC" juice off the menu :)

I have decided to only drink water and fresh juice and avoid diet sodas and diet drinks like crystal light. I have also decided to avoid processed foods. No more frozen Lean Cuisines and Smart One meals. I'm going to stick to salads, fruit and steamed/grilled veggies. I do eat fish and chicken (baked or grilled) but will limit my consumption of it moving forward. I'm thinking of only having one meal a day and juice for all other meals during day.

The hardest part of the juice fast was preparing the juice and then cleaning up my juicer after. Towards the end I started to get lazy and was so happy I found the Robecks so I didn't have to go home to make more juice for the evening of Day 10.

I've had solid food on Sunday and today and I already feel a little different despite my choices being salad and steamed veggies.  I also purchased another large "ABC" juice from Robecks that I plan on having for breakfast and lunch tomorrow.  I wanted to take another day off from juicing and cleaning up my machine.  I will make another big batch of juice tomorrow since I still have lots of veggies and fruit left over.

I can't explain how AMAZING I felt!!! I had no idea that all the food and drink I was consuming was affecting my body the way it was. It's like I've been living under a cloud and now the sky is clearing up and I can finally see and feel the warm sun. I would suggest everyone try to juice fast/detox/cleanse at least once so you can feel the benefits of restoring your body to its natural state.

I'm very certain that this is what the "Rich and Famous" do to lose weight quickly.  I mean if I had someone making my juice for me and I could chill at a resort for a month while fasting/detoxing then I would have easily kept going and lost tons of weight.  Take a look at this juice fast spa retreat in California called We Care Spa  Does anyone want to sponsor me for a month long retreat :-)

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