Monday, February 28, 2011

DAY 59: Caught in Middle of Drive-By While Counting Calories

Hey Folks I am still here!

Well lots of things to update you all on.  My DGW day on 02/19/2011 ended up being a 4 day long food binge.  I don't know what happened...well actually I know what happened, I ate whatever I wanted for four days straight because I had a long weekend and didn't have to go back to work until Wednesday.  I feel like I am a drug addict.  I mean I was doing fine but once I got a little taste of the good stuff then I just wanted to taste a little more.  I even felt like I was doing a secret drive-by.  I had my dark clothes on, hoodie pulled low over my face and made sure no one I knew was looking as I slowly drove up to the window and placed my order..."Can I get a #5.  And make sure you SuPerSiZe it".  Yep it was a sad site to see.

So I have been in detox for the past week.  Sticking to my my 1200 calories a day and the cravings are finally gone.  I think if I don't have anymore long weekends I will be OK and not fall off the wagon again.  I have a miniature pinscher dog and she is also on a little diet.  One evening she wanted a dog treat so bad that she just kept barking at me.  It was so hilarious that I had to video tape her.  So hope you get a good laugh from it.

I am still stuck at around 10 to 11 pounds lost.  And I know it is because I am not getting up off this butt of mine and exercising.  I just can't seem to talk myself into making that trip to the gym.  What would make me go to the gym?  Maybe if I would get $100 dollars every time I went to the gym.  Or maybe if I was guaranteed to loose 5 pounds a week if I go 5 times a week.  But I know that won't happen...or will it?

Honestly I had my hopes really high and thought I would be down 20 pounds by the time March 16th rolled around.  March 16th I will be singing some jazz tunes at the infamous Blues Alley located in Georgetown Washington DC.  Despite me not being 20 pounds lighter when I step onto the stage, I am pleased that I am 10 pounds lighter and a step closer to a healthier me.

MS. DMV's Weight Loss Journey

DAY 59: March Madness with Kettlebells and The PAGG Stack

Since I don't like going to the gym I wanted to create a workout that I could do at home.  After a little research I discovered that the Kettlebells give the best full body workout with minimal time involved.
If you've never heard of kettlebells, you aren't alone. Although this piece of strength training equipment has been around for decades, only recently has it caught the attention of mainstream athletes.  Kettlebells are bowling ball-sized cast iron weights with a single looped handle on top. Kettlebells range in weight from two pounds to over 100 pounds.  Read More here

I will make sure I post videos of some of my workout sessions!  Also since I enjoy the Wii Michael Jackson Dance Experience so much I will even post a video of me doing a couple of MJ moves ;-)  But I won't be letting you know when, so I guess you just have to keep checking back to see me hit a couple pelvis thrust along with a kick and quick spin!!!

I also decided that I need to start taking some sort of vitamin supplements.  Along with taking my "One A Day" multi-vitamin I wanted to add in some supplements that promote weight loss.  Last month I did the 30 day slow carb diet created by Tim Ferris.  Tim Ferris recommended taking a combination of Policosanol, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Green Tea Extract and Garlic.  When these four supplements are combined they have found to increase weight loss.  Instead of buying all the individual supplments I found a supplier who combined all supplments into a easy to take tablet.
The PAGG Stack is 4 supplements:  Policosanol, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Green Tea Extract and Garlic.
All of the supplements work together to increase weight loss, but each does have a specific purpose.
  • Alpha-lipoic acid directs your carbohydrate intake to your muscles and liver instead of sending it to your fat cells.
  • Green Tea Flavanols prevents the storage of carbohydrates in fat cells.
  • Garlic extract have been shown to make fat regain more difficult.
  • Policosanol has benefited Tim Ferris and his other followers with increased fat loss while taking the AGG combination.
The PAGG Stack is taken 4 times a day, 6 days a week before meals and before going to bed. 

MS. DMV's Weight Loss Journey

Monday, February 14, 2011

DAY 45: My Before Pictures/Video and No Chocolates for me on Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day and I will make sure I eat a 100 calorie chocolate brownie bite for you.  Actually I will dedicate ALL SIX nickel size brownie bites to all you folks trying to remove those unwanted pounds from your life!!!!!

I did NOT like making this video or editing it while looking at my swollen figure :-)  So I hope all of you readers enjoy because I needed to throw back a few Vodka tonics (diet tonic) in order to get through this video.

And That's All Folks!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

DAY 36...10 Pounds Lighter and Counting My Calories

Woo Hoo!!!! I finally hit 10 pounds down. I've been keeping track of my calories with the My Fitness application I downloaded on my android phone.  It's great because I can just quickly input what I am eating.  Below I added my diet journal for Friday.

So I am still slacking off on the exercise department.  I said I would work out twice a week and the week is basically over and I haven't worked out once.  Although I did break a light sweat cleaning my house :-) I don't know about you but sometimes a good house cleaning is a great workout.  I still haven't made it too the gym, which is going on over a year since I have used my membership.  I know, its pretty sad huh?  I guess there is no excuse except that I am possibly LAZY!!!

I have been drinking a lot more water, which I am not a big fan of.  I have found that if I drink it with a lot of ice then I can chug down a couple of glasses at a time.  I drink a lot of crystal light and sugar free type of liquids.  I am working toward just drinking water and only having other drinks on special occasions.

I am working on taking photos.  I don't know if I should take the all black leotard type of photo or take a photo in a pair of jeans that were my favorite pair but I can no longer button.  What do you leotard or jeans?

What should I wear for my before photo?

Well That's All Folks!